NUTS & CO Packaging Design

Posted in Branding, Packaging by Design Robot

NUTS & CO. is a premium purveyor of Middle Eastern delicatessen with a sumptuousy simple and elegant packaging design style.

I spotted this selection of packaging quite a while ago on one of the many design blogs that I read, so it is a little old and you may have already seen it before. If that’s the case, then I’m sorry. I will endeavour to find you all some more up-to-date stuff in future. Or at the very least, I’ll try to post things as soon as I spot them rather than saving a draft and leaving it to fester in the back-end of my blog, gathering virtual pixel dust for all eternity.

The brand identity and packaging were designed by GroundFloor to reflect the origins of the products in a contemporary and sophisticated style. In early 2011 the first Nuts and Co. store opened in Geneva, apparently to much acclaim.

With regards to the identity and design style, I like the simple muted colour palette used, along with the clean typeface. The best bit for me though is the subtle use of definite brackets (curly brackets) above and below the Nuts & Co text, creating a visual nod to a nut shell shape.

Normally, I wouldn’t advocate using more than one creative trick within a logo design. Any more than one can often start to look forced and contrived, so the adapted ‘nut-shaped’ letter ‘n’ isn’t really necessary, but it is done in such a sensitive way that I feel it completes the identity nicely. Clever, sophisticated and relevant without being too obvious. Great work.

About Design Robot

Design Robot spends rather a lot of his time researching and searching the web to find examples of highly creative work and play in all types of design, photography, art, typography and more.
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