Amazing Typographic Illustration from Alex Trochut

Posted in Illustration, Typography by Design Robot


Alex Trochut is an incredibly talented artist, typographer and illustrator who has been setting the design world alight for the last few years. Based in Barcelona, Spain, he works with a huge range of companies both large and small, from across the world.

The great thing about Alex’s work is that he manages to inject his recognisable style into each project, but none of his pieces ever feel formulaic or derivative.

Take a look at Alex’s website ( for an inspiring portfolio selection. To learn more about his work ethic and processes, there is a great video interview with Alex at Form Fifty Five. Finally, if you would like to add a bit of Trochut to your own work, you can buy his fonts from HypeForType.


About Design Robot

Design Robot spends rather a lot of his time researching and searching the web to find examples of highly creative work and play in all types of design, photography, art, typography and more.
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